“My Sabbath Home”

Pa played this hymn every Sunday and they all sang. — On the Banks of Plum Creek, Chapter 36, “Prairie Winter”
Laura and Ida sang this hymn together in Sunday School. Singing together was even better than talking. — These Happy Golden Years, Chapter 4, “Sleigh Bells”
My Sabbath Home is Hymn #7 in Pure Gold for the Sunday School by Rev. Robert T. Lowry and W. Howard Doane. The hymnal was published in New York by Biglow & Main, 1871. Words are by Dr. Christopher R. Blackall; Music is by W.H. Doane (1832-1915). Blackall was field surgeon in the 33rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry and collaborated with Doane on several hymns. Doane’s main occupation was president of a woodworking company, although he was trained in church choirs and earned a doctorate of music from Dennison University.
During his lifetime, Doane composed hundreds of hymns, and he published over 40 collection of hymns. Pure Gold was his fifth collection; a copy was owned by the Ingalls family. While working on the Little House books, Laura wrote sister Carrie and asked if she still had the old hymnal, and Carrie mailed it to Laura for reference.
1. Sweet Sabbath School! more dear to me
Than fairest palace dome,
My heart e’er turns with joy to thee.
My own dear Sabbath home.
[chorus] Sabbath Home! Blessed Home!
Sabbath Home! Blessed Home!
My heart e’er turns with joy to thee,
My own dear Sabbath Home.
2. Here first my willful, wand’ring heart,
The way of life was shown;
Here first I sought the better part,
And gained a Sabbath Home.
3. Here Jesus stood with loving voice,
Entreating me to come,
And make of Him my only choice,
In this dear Sabbath Home.
(from On the Banks of Plum Creek)
Sweet Sabbath school more dear to me
Than fairest palace dome,
My heart e’er turns with joy to thee,
My own dear Sabbath home.
(from These Happy Golden Years)
Sweet Sabbath School! more dear to me
Than fairest palace dome,
My heart e’er turns with joy to thee,
My own dear Sabbath home…
Here first my willful, wandering heart
The way of life was shown;
Here first I sought the better part
And gained a Sabbath home…
My heart e’er turns with joy to thee,
My own dear Sabbath home…
“My Sabbath Home” (BPC 36; THGY 4)
“Here first my willful, wandering heart”
“My heart e’er turns with joy to thee”
“Sweet Sabbath School more dear to me”
“Sweet Sabbath School! more dear to me”