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“In the Starlight”

On and on Barnum trotted, gently now as if he, too, were enjoying the quietness of the night and the brilliant stars. Almanzo spoke quietly. ‘I don’t know when I ever saw the stars so bright’… — These Happy Golden Years, Chapter 22, “Singing School”

There was no sound but the soft clip-clop of Barnum’s feet as he walked along the grassy prairie road. ‘Sing the starlight song,’ Almanzo said, and Laura sang again, softly… — These Happy Golden Years, Chapter 23, “Barnum Walks”

And it seemed as if the stars and water and roses were listening to the voice, so quiet were they, for it was of them it sang… — The First Four Years, Prologue

In the Starlight was first published as a duet in 1878 by Wyman & Davis, Chicago, Illinois. Music by Stephen Glover; Words by J.E. Carpenter. Stephen Ralph Glover (1813-1870), lived in London and had a career as a music teacher and as a composer. Over 1300 works are attributed to him, including popular songs, duets, chamber opera, and salon music for piano. Some of Glover’s works include: “Topsy’s Song,” “Mother Can this Glory Be,” “I’ve a Home in the Valley,” and “The Sea is England’s Glory.” Joseph Edward Carpenter (1813-1885) was a lyricist for many of Glover’s compositions.


1. In the starlight, in the starlight,
Let us wander gay and free,
For there’s nothing in the daylight
Half so dear to you and me.
Like the fairies, in the shadow
Of the woods we’ll steal along,
And our sweetest lays we’ll warble
For the night was made for song.
When none are by to listen
Er to chide us for our glee,
In the starlight, in the starlight,
Let us wander gay and free.

[chorus] In the starlight (in the starlight)
In the starlight (in the starlight)
Let us wander (let us wander)
Let us wander (let us wander)
In the starlight, in the starlight,
Let us wander gay and free.

2. In the starlight, in the starlight,
At the daylight’s dewy close
When the nightingale is singing
His last love song to the rose.
In the calm clear night of summer,
When the breezes softly play,
From the glitter of our dwelling,
We will gently steal away
Where the silvry waters murmur
By the margin of the sea,
In the starlight, in the starlight,
We will wander gay and free.

[chorus] In the starlight (in the starlight)
In the starlight (in the starlight)
We will wander (let us wander)
We will wander (let us wander)
In the starlight, in the starlight,
We will wander gay and free.

(from These Happy Golden Years, Chapter 22)

In the starlight, in the starlight,
Let us wander gay and free,
For there’s nothing in the daylight
Half so dear to you and me.
Like the fairies in the shadow
Of the woods we’ll steal along,
And our sweetest lays we’ll warble,
For the night was made for song.
When none are by to listen,
Or to chide us in our glee,
In the starlight, in the starlight,
Let us wander gay and free.

(from These Happy Golden Years, Chapter 23, and The First Four Years, Prologue)

In the starlight, in the starlight,
At the daylight’s dewy close,
When the nightingale is singing
His last love song to the rose;
In the calm clear night of summer
When the breezes softly play,
From the glitter of our dwelling
We will softly steal away.
Where the silv’ry waters murmur
By the margin of the sea,
In the starlight, in the starlight,
We will wander gay and free.

“In the Starlight” was one of the earliest recorded songs, recorded in 1904 for RCA Victor, sung by S.H. Dudley and Harry MacDonough. This recording is available online on The Virtual Gramaphone through the Library and Archives of Canada. CLICK HERE to listen.



Click on the images above to view a copy of sheet music of “In the Starlight.”    


“In the Starlight” (THGY 22-23; FFY Prologue; PG)