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le cadeau du cheval

2008 horse mural composed of smaller paintings of horses, including Prince and Lady from the Little House books.

…Suddenly into the sunny green and blue came two brown horses with flowing black manes and tails, trotting side by side in harness. Their brown flanks and shoulders gleamed in the sunshine, their slender legs stepped daintily, their necks were arched and their ears pricked up, and they tossed their heads as they went by… “Oh, what beautiful horses!” Laura cried. -By the Shores of Silver Lake, Chapter 28, “Moving Day”

In early 2008, I began watching the progress of the mural mosaic project of Canadian artist Phil Alain, mural designer Lewis Lavoie, and co-producer Paul Lavoie. Panel 101 of their Le Cadeau du Cheval (The Horse Gift) was to feature Prince and Lady, Almanzo Wilder’s Morgan horses from the Little House books, painted by artist Lee Michelson. You can view it HERE.

The mural was completed in October 2008 and is to tour the world for two years before a permanent home is found for it. You can read about the entire project HERE. Can you spot the Prince and Lady panel in the finished mural?


Le Cadeau du Chavel